Henna Brows
Henna brows are a form of eyebrow tinting. Skin beneath the brow hairs is stained to create an illusion of depth and fullness in the area. Henna is a natural dye made from the henna tree and different shades of dye have been formulated to cater for all eyebrow tones.
Classic eyelash extensions are semi-permanent, synthetic extensions that are applied to your own eyelashes to give a perfect, natural look. They are suitable for someone who has healthy, strong eyelashes and take around 45-60 minutes to apply.
Hybrid eyelash extensions are a combination of two different lash application techniques rolled into one set of lashes to provide a more glamorous look. They are suitable for someone who has little volume in their lashes and can take a little over 60 minutes to apply.
Volume eyelash extensions involve the application of multiple lashes to one single natural eyelash to give a fuller look. We have 3D to 10D applications, depending on the thickness desired by the customer. They are suitable for special occasions such as weddings, parties or performances and take more than 80 minutes to apply.
Russian eyelash extensions provide mega-volume. Up to 10 extensions or more can be applied to each natural lash to produce an extremely full, dark and luminous look. An innovation in the industry over the past four years, the application of these extensions can take around 2 hours.
Silk – the thickest of the lashes is made from natural silk and is favoured for situations that need elevated boldness and drama, like photographic shoots or a special occasion.
Acrylic – a solid, dependable lash that forms the basis of most extensions with a superb natural look and feel.
Mink – so called because of its ultra-luxurious feel. Fine, soft and easiest to maintain, it works well as a compliment to the strengths of the other two lashes.
Delashcious Eyelash After Care
After you have your eyelashes done you need to follow the below instructions so that you can maintain them as long as possible.
- Immediately after application, do not get lashes wet for at least 12 hours. preferably 24 hours to allow the glue to cornpletely dry. Avoid hot steam from the shower and sauna.
- Avoid rubbing your eyes excessively as well as oil-based cleansers lotion or eye-makeup removers. These will dissolve the glue bond. Instead. use water or gel cleansers. If removing eyeliner gently use a cotton tip around the area.
- When using the eyelash brush provided ensure you brush your lashes down and gently.
- We do not recommend using mascara. If you must use mascara, use only water-based mascara. Apply only on the tips only. Do not apply near the base of the lash as tips application can physically break the bond between the lash extensions and the natural lash. You must be careful when removing the mascara as you can accidentally remove lashes. It is important to note that if you do use mascara this can shorten the life Of your extensions.
- Eyelash extensions can last up to 6 weeks. depending on the natural growth cycle Of your eyelashes. We recommend getting an infill every two to four weeks.
Please give us a call on 02 9969 5467 if you have any questions. We hope you enjoy your new lashes and thank you for coming to Delashcious Sydney!
After Care
Allow freshly feathered eyebrows seven to ten days to heal. It is normal for the eyebrows to look patchy during the healing process. Don’t be worried if the strokes have disappeared, it takes the pigment roughly 4 weeks to resurface. During the healing process the eyebrows will appear bold, the colour will drop by 40 percent and thickness by 15 percent when healed
Post treatment care contributes to 70 per cent of the treatments success. Following careful instructions will give you the best possible results for your skin type and promote good healing.
Post Treatment Care Instructions
Day of Treatment
30 Minutes After Treatment
- Gently dab freshly tattooed with a damp cotton pad to remove all the lymph and previously applied cream
- Apply a very thin layer of Skin Candy with a clean q-tip, avoid using your fingers.
For the rest of the day of treatment
- Repeat the above process 3-5 times a day to keep the wound clean and avoid scab formation.
Cleaning with water is only necessary on the first day of treatment.
Following Seven Days
- Avoid wetting your eyebrows in the shower and when washing your face
- Apply a very thin layer of Skin Candy with a clean q-tip, avoid using your fingers.
- Repeat the above process 3-5 times a day to keep the wound clean and avoid scab formation.
Things to Avoid During Healing
First Seven Days
- Do not pick, scratch or peel the healing area
- Do not apply any make-up or products on eyebrows
- Avoid sleeping on the face
- Avoid direct sun exposure
- Avoid working out to prevent sweating
- Avoid water on eyebrows during shower for at least 7 days or until healed
- Avoid facial massage,facial steaming, and sauna
In The Next 30 Days
- Avoid sunbathing, solarium, light therapies, chemical peelings, fruit acids, microdermabrasion, and creams that contain regeneration factors.
Always avoid laser treatments over the treated area (Fraxel Laser, IPL), because they can destroy the pigment and cause burns.
Use of antibiotics and hormonal therapy can lead to faster pigment fading,